Summer's here and the time is right for dancing in the streets...
Hard to believe that Bailey is now 6 months old - it has been an exciting last month. Bailey is now the proud owner of 2 teeth with hopefully more on the way (only 2 bottom teeth would be bizarre). We also went on a short road trip to Idaho to see family in preparation of our longer car adventure to Arizona coming up in just a few weeks. She was a great traveler and was in good spirits the whole time. Sadly, she did succumb to her first sickness last week. She got croup and after a sad "gollum" sounding cough, and a rough night or two, we were off to the pediatrician's office. One check up and a shot of steroids later she (and therefore I) were feeling a lot better. We had to give her a pill the following day which had to be crushed into something really "strong tasting" I was told. The fabulous pediatrician suggested chocolate syrup and well let me tell you - a spoonful of chocolate syrup helped the medicine go down in the most delightful way! We were just getting ready to start solids when this little lady got sick so we put it off, but now we can tell her that her first non formula food was Hershey's syrup. Rice cereal will pale in comparison for sure.
I am getting back to work several days a week now and hoping that my return to the workforce will be fun and not too traumatizing for Bailey (but honestly, mostly for me). I did the obligatory 'Have a baby and cut your hair' thing. But in my defense I was losing handfuls and brush-fuls of hair daily. It was for the good of our drains and my mental health that we try to slow down my current balding situation. But, regardless...I make this look good!
It is also our 8-year Anniversary. We are so glad to have Bailey to share it with!
Pretty in Pink |
Steam Treatment (sorry for the nudity) |
Chocolate Syrup Helps the Medicine Go Down |
Cool Rider with Uncle Kirk |
It's Black - It's White...Yeah Yeah Yeah |
Happy and Feeling Good |
Mommy Makeover - Shortest Hair Ever |