"Watch and you'll see - someday I'll be part of your world..."
It happened. We went where the people were - and that was Disneyland. For months we planned a trip to take Bailey to California and Disneyland for her 4th birthday and I am happy to say that is was a huge success. It was beyond magical, wonderful and practically perfect in every way. Be warned - this post is going to have lots and lots of photos and you are so very welcome for that. Bailey (or Trevor and myself) couldn't have had a better time. A huge thank you again to our friends Jacque and Shane and Wow Me Travel for making everything so easy and special.

We started our trip by first going to St. George where Trevor had to work for the day - so Bailey and Mommy's day of fun began. We went to a children's museum, to the Peanuts movie and to a play place. After we picked up Trevor from work, we ventured to Vegas for the night. Then we were off to California. We went to Newport Beach before going to our hotel and played in the ocean and sand for a little while. Bailey loved it - even when Trevor ventured a little far into the water and got them both pretty wet.

Afterward we were off to the Disney Paradise Pier Hotel. We were greeted by friendly happy employees and Bailey was given a balloon and a birthday button almost immediately upon our arrival. We checked in and then headed to the pool. After the pool our little Minnie was all ready for dinner and we went to the hotel restaurant and had our first delicious Disney meal. Upon our arrival, Bailey started brushing her hair with the "Dinglehopper" (fork) or as she likes to call it lately the "tanglehopper" which actually makes way more sense. Bailey got to design her own pizza and it was cooked by Mickey. She also got a fun Ariel cup, another button and was sung to and got a special birthday dessert. Trevor and I also had some delicious and amazing food - there was a smores bar. Yeah. Yum! Then it was time to try and get to bed so we could try and be out the door by 7am. We tried.:)

We decided to do Disneyland on day one. We started with Star tours and then made our way to Space Mountain. Bailey wasn't so sure at the beginning of Star Tours, but realized about 2 seconds in that she loved it. Her love and excitement didn't waver again. She was on board for any ride and show and treat. She insisted on having her hands up on every ride and was typically the youngest and smallest on every time. They kept measuring her, but she's pretty tall and could go on mostly everything except Indiana Jones. We can do that on our next trip. Bailey also met and hugged Goofy and got "kidnapped" by Pluto and then kissed him on the nose. It was pretty perfect. It was a long and fun filled day. Trevor even participated as "Paul Bunyan" in the show at the Golden Horseshoe. We were able to hit almost everything we wanted including: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Pirates, Autotopia, and more. Bailey also loved the parade and the fireworks and when it "snowed" on main street. Definitely a memorable and magical day.

Day two was California Adventure and we had a great time as well.
There was something not so magical that did happen. I forgot our
vouchers for our fun lunch planned at Ariel's Grotto - so Trevor had to
walk back to the hotel and get them. Bailey and I went on the Zephyr
about 4 times and the Ariel ride 3 times while waiting for him to get
back. It wasn't busy yet and we were able to either stay on the ride or
just quickly get back in line. We definitely had more fun during that
hour then he had. He was only mad at me for a little while. Luckily we
were able to get more rides in before and after lunch. Back to lunch at
Ariel's Grotto. This was fabulous and I would do this again. Bailey was
able to meet and talk to several princesses including Ariel (her
favorite), Rapunzel, Belle, Tiana, and Snow White. After lunch we
changed out of our Princess Anna attire and into our Darth Vader
leggings. Cause that's what you do. We then saw Mickey and waved at him,
but then Bailey was "kidnapped"by Minnie! It was so cute! Bailey was
just beaming and so happy and excited. After this we decided to go see
the Frozen sing along and then the Aladdin show. Both were super fun.
Bailey also met Princess Sophia (and she now refers to all the
characters she met as her best friends). Afterwards we saw the Pixar
parade and then went on Souring over California. Then it was time to get
our seats for "World of Color." It was fantastical and beautiful.
Bailey was falling asleep right before it started, but she managed to
wake up and finished the day by going and riding our last ride "Tower of
Terror." She loved it. No exaggeration. We all crashed pretty hard that night, but no one faster than the Bailey. She fell asleep in her clothes on the floor about 3 minutes after getting back to our room. She was definitely tired, but she had so much fun. She still can't stop talking about it. It was definitely worth it and such a great first family trip for us. The next morning we were off to Arizona for more birthday celebrations and Thanksgiving fun.

On the next post I will tell you all
about Bailey's fun birthday parties - yes she had a few and our
fantastic trip to Arizona. We are getting ready for Christmas and trying
to enjoy December as much as possible. We hope you are doing the same.Until next time adventurers - keep on adventuring...