This Halloween was a fun filled Elle Woods experience in our household. Bailey was excited to wear lots of pink and carry her own little Bruiser Woods. I went as her manicurist and friend Ms. Paulette Bonifonte. We managed to teach Bailey several great lines from Legally Blonde to go with her fabulous costume. Some of them were:
This is going to be just like senior year, but funner.
What like it's hard?
I'm sorry, I just hallucinated.
Thanks for inviting me girls - this party is super fun.
We're both Gemini vegetarians,
Excuse me - I have some shopping to do.
Bailey loved trick or treating. We went to a trunk or treat at our church a few days before and managed to then go trick or treating with her cousin on Halloween. The girls had a lot of fun together (as did my brother Dalan and I) and got tons of candy - that we are still working ourselves through. Bailey still asks about our light up ghosts that have been returned to storage in our garage. All of our Halloween decor has now been replaced with Thanksgiving decorations. Every morning begins the same as we come downstairs, with Bailey saying, "Oh it's still Thanksgiving huh...." She knows her birthday is just after that and then comes Christmas. To say this girl loves holidays would be a complete understatement.

Trevor's dad came up for another fun Utah football game and missed out on most of the Halloween fun. Lucky for him Bailey told him everything that happened. Even a creepy clown opening the door at one house while trick or treating and making Bailey laugh. She wasn't scared at all which can't be said for my niece. Not sure what that says about what Bailey sees or watches at home. We don't watch walking dead with her in the room - usually. Ha.
Weather is definitely turning colder and we have seen a little bit of snow. Bring it on, unless we have some travelling to do - which we definitely do in upcoming weeks. Excited to see family in Idaho, and Arizona and taking the B to Disneyland. We aren't sure who is most excited for all our upcoming adventures.
Until then - stay happy and warm.