We managed to see quite a few things while we were there even though we were trapped in the hotel for the seminar most days. We loved touring the basilica of Notre Dame and exploring Old Town and the financial district as well as Chinatown. There is some amazing architecture. We walked a lot and became quite adept at the transit system, both buses and trains.
We had some delicious food. The pickles at a place called Schwartz's were amazing and the black cherry soda was by far and away the best black cherry soda I have ever had, We found a fantastic restaurant in Chinatown called "Oh Dumplings" which was Oh my delicious. We also found time to shop on St. Catherine (think 5th Ave) and kept going back to Jean Coutu Pharmacy for more chocolate to bring back for our households.
The whole underground mall was fascinating. I guess when its so cold for part of the year you must find ways to survive and therefore shop. Here are some photos of myself and my friends as proof of our fun and crazy days. I should mention that while we did have a great time that we did come across those not so friendly French Canadians that people occasionally talk about. Oddly enough - they were much nicer when they found out we were Americans and not from another province. Oh well, it made it more exciting I suppose. If anyone wants more details, let me know. I would be happy to share.
We were all pretty thrilled when we got home as were our respective households and not just because we came bearing gifts.
Re-creating John and Yoko's Bed In |
Chocolate and over the counter muscle relaxants - yes please! |
After the trip it was back to life as usual. Work and of course fun.
Right After I Landed I ran to pick up the Bailey. We were both pretty excited! Reunited and it feels so good! |
We decided that our almost 2 1/2 year old should probably have a toddler bed and updated her crib. It was kind of sad for me, but Bailey loves it. She also still stays in there until I come and get her in the morning at at nap times, which I am pretty thrilled about. She is also definitely the granddaughter of my mother as her current favorite books to read are Elmo's Halloween Party and Christmas Countdown. This girl loves her holidays just like her Grammy.
Big Girl Bed! |
Bailey's closet and spring/summer wardrobe all set! |
Bailey is also becoming much more dramatic and now fake cries often. She then likes to have all of us take turns fake crying. It's pretty funny. "Mommy's turn...Daddy's turn...Bailey's turn" We are trying to get her to laugh instead. So far that idea hasn't taken hold yet. Apparently its not as funny to fake laugh.
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Mother's Day Collage - Funny girls |
Elise and Bailey sliding together... |
We also set up a pool for Bailey and I think she is going to be a water girl for sure. It's been a busy month, but we have had lots of fun. Here's to a fabulous and hopefully not too hot summer. Keep on keeping on adventurers and don't forget the sunscreen.
These are just bonus pictures of cuteness from the month of May. You're welcome! :)
We even managed a movie date! X-Men! |