"Nothing but blue skies do I see..."

It has been a fantastic Spring so far and we are all enjoying the
fantastic weather. Bailey is now the perfect age for our little
playground by our house and she would happily play for hours if I wasn't
so mean and made her come home for things like food and naps. :) She no
longer fears the slides and loves climbing up high like a big kid.
have also been lucky to spend time with family. I went up and saw my
sister McKenna in Logan and then my other sister Kirse came to Salt Lake
and we had a fantastic albeit short time together. I am not sure why I
didn't take more pictures while we were together. That will have to be
rectified at the Granat family fun this summer. We also got the spend
some time with Trevor's parents a few weeks ago which is great since
they are leaving on another mission shortly.

In, I am a
terrible mother news; Bailey said her first curse last night after an
episode of the Mindy Project. I tried not to react or laugh too much
after a very loud and determined dammit was repeated after hearing it on
the TV. I suppose we have to monitor more closely what we watch now
when that smart and observant girl is around. Also, in "My child is
brilliant and completely advanced" news - Bailey really is. We were
looking at pictures on her ABC blocks and got to V - Trevor asked her
what it was and she responded with "Violin" and then when asked what the
X word was - responded with "Xylophone". Seriously?! Where are you
learning these things? I mean it must be me - so never-mind. Although
the way she says umbrella sounds like she isn't sure when the 'ella' is
supposed to end or maybe she is a big Rhianna fan. Ha! She is also
counting to almost 20 by herself. Seriously - it's crazy. Enough on
that. She is still 2 and likes to remind me of that fact often and while
she is still super happy and easy, but is occasionally brat-tastic for
sure. But I wouldn't change any of it - except for a few less no's from
her every now and again.
I am actually headed to
Montreal for almost a week for a work conference and while I am sure it
will be fun and helpful; I am slightly terrified to be away from the B
(and I will miss Trevor too of course). I am sure that the household
will survive, but send happy thoughts to us all. Have an amazing end of
April adventurers.
"Bailey help Daddy" |
Happy Easter!
Too cool? |
Goofballs! |
She shoots she scores! |
"I swing mommy!" |