How have I gone 3 months without updating? We have been busy of course, but really that is hardly an excuse. I will try to get caught up again - so apologies for the many pictures that will follow.
We spent a lovely Christmas in Arizona where we spend lots of time with Trevor's family and I even snuck in some time with my sister Lauren and her family - as well as one of my best friends Betsy in Tuscon. The weather was fabulous and Bailey was really happy to spend a few days riding her new bike outside before she was relegated to riding it around our kitchen island. Lucky for Bailey the weather is warming up and we have already picnicked outside once and will be spending lots of time outside, much to my white, freckled, and very burnable skins chagrin. ;)

Here is the Smithtown roundup: Over the last couple months we spent time at the movies, kangaroo zoo, and even went bowling. Bailey continues to love the snow and we were lucky to get quite a bit this year and took many opportunities to play. Bailey managed to lose her first tooth right after Chrtistmas and then another one on New Year's Day. We also had a fun superbowl party with friends. Bailey had a fun Valentine's Day party with her school friends, but reminded me we forgot to make suckers this year. Oh well, perhaps we can make suckers for Easter?
Bailey is still loving school and is actually super bummed it's currently Spring Break. I was helping in class a couple of weeks ago when a little boy named Liam decided he wanted to hug Bailey pretty much all day. He then decided to give Bailey a kiss - Bailey didn't seem to mind. It was pretty adorable and I was trying not to laugh while watching it. Later that day, Bailey asked if she could marry Liam. I said, sure in about 20 years.
Bailey and I headed to Idaho last weekend for the "Granat Family Irish Spectacular" (which I call it) to celebrate our non-existent Irish heritage, but I do have a daughter whose name sounds like an Irish beverage - so - Bailey O'Quinn and I had a great time with some of my siblings and parents and nieces and nephews. Trevor had a great time at Comic Con and got me a Cary Elwes autograph so that is awesome. "As You Wish..."
Well happy Spring adventurers (even though at the moment as I write this it is snowing a lot)! Spring is technically here and that is what I am going with. See you soon with more exciting Smithtown tales.