Happy almost August adventurers. We hope that everyone is well and staying cool. It has been another busy few weeks in the Smith household. Both Trevor and I had birthdays, we had several overnight guests, a couple birthday parties to attend, a trip to the theatre with my brothers, golf, bowling, and a weekend in Idaho where we saw 'The Wolverine'. (Highly enjoyable) Never a dull moment with us or the B.
Speaking of the Bailey - she is talking a lot. I started keeping a list of her words and I add to it when she says a new one. She is up to over 40 and is adding to it everyday. Her latest favorites are 'nana' (banana), Elmo, Abby, bubbles, cracker and our new favorite - Bang (as in the tv show Big Bang Theory). I am trying to capture her dancing to the theme song. Lucky for us it's on all day everyday so I am sure I will be able to capture it soon. :)

She also wants to go up and down the stairs like a big kid which is
great unless you have somewhere you need to be quickly. She is very
careful, but is becoming a dare devil and climbing as much as possible.
Which is why I titled this post accordingly. She loves climbing on the
couch and even has her spot, but she now has figured out how to get on
the ottoman and then to the TV. She will even push it closer to the TV
stand if she knows it's too far. She uses her toys like steps to get
where she wants to be. Just this past week she figured out how to climb
on the toilet and then make her way to the counter, sink and mirror.
What a silly girl. Bailey definitely keeps us on our toes. We also
decided to switch her car seat around (slightly before the new 2 year
guideline), but she was getting a bit tall for rear facing. It is much
easier to hand her stuff and see her. Our trip back from Idaho was

We hope things are great for all of you. We will be back after a few words from our sponsors.
(See you soon!) :)
34 and Looking Good! (Or Creepy - I am not sure) Ha! |
Bowling and french fries?! Seems like an amazing idea for a Saturday afternoon...