"Tell me more, tell me more - But you don't have to brag..."

When last I left you - we had just finished with the epic Smith family reunion adventure. After that our summer continued to be busy, fabulous and very hot. We battled the heat by going to movies, playing in pools and travelling to slightly cooler places like Idaho and Logan to see cousins and Grammy and Skipper.
Other happenings this summer included Trevor and I celebrating our 12th anniversary in a car driving home from the reunion in Arizona. It was pretty romantic and great. I love that guy and our little family - quite a lot. We are keeping our fingers crossed on a few more happy years. ;) We also celebrated Father's Day and Trevor and I each "celebrated" a birthday. Getting older is a surreal and bizarre experience.
Crate Training is going Well |
One of my BFF's Betsy who lives way to far away - "Reunited and it Feels So Good" |
"It was an accident..." I didn't believe her! |
Sister Carpool Roadtrip |
Toys R Us With Grammy |
My Dad's Birthday Cake. Thanks Mark Twain and "Happy Birthday" Ha. |
Some people celebrate with cake - I make a side by side comparison. Ha! |
This beautiful girl got Baptized |
Badminton with Kirk and Skipper |
I am also the nicest sister ever and flew down to Arizona in AUGUST to help take care of my nieces and nephew so that Lauren (& Mike) could go to a private Adam Levine concert. It was a pretty grand time as Lauren and fam had recently moved to Arizona and were still living in a hotel. So just me, the four kids and the dog in a nice, but not super spacious suite. How they all survived there for 6+weeks is beyond me. I also got to connect with some of my other Arizona family for about a minute and a half which was great. Not that it was so short, but that I managed to see them during the short visit there.
I continued my (I'm not a saint, just a) nice sister quest when I went to Logan to help organize and deep clean McKenna's house before the arrival of her 4th child. Trevor didn't mind Bailey and I going out of town as he went to Vegas for the weekend to connect with some of his brothers and best friends for their fantasy football draft.
It was a gorgeous, albeit hot day for a soccer game. |
This summer also held some firsts. We took Bailey to Chuck E. Cheeses; which was actually pretty fun and nostalgic for Trevor and myself and Bailey of course loved it.
Bailey also got her first ever haircut. We didn't do anything dramatic, but we did cut off about 3+ inches.
Another trip to the dentist was in store as well for her first real cleaning and exam.
Naturally after the dentist you want the largest lollipop you can find! |
Bailey also decided for the first time ever to lock the bathroom door and then close it from the other side while no one was in it. So we had to pry our way in as the keys that we have held onto for nearly 7 years now mysteriously vanished. .
The other main to-do was that my baby started Preschool!!! How did that happen?! How is it that she will be 5 in a few months?! Truth be told, she probably doesn't need preschool and we toyed with the idea of starting her in kindergarten early, but decided against it. She will grow up fast enough - right? So far she loves it and her teachers.

The weather has been a little cooler the last couple of days and I am so excited for Fall and the Holidays. Bailey is too. She has been wearing her Halloween pajamas for more than a month now. She is definitely a holiday girl like her Grammy and mom. Have a great September adventurers and we will see you soon.
"It turned colder, that's where it ends..."