Well adventurers - it's true. Summer is coming to a close. School is starting for many and Fall will be here before you know it. We have had a very entertaining and busy summer and we are looking forward for a fun, but relaxed fall. In our household that mostly means football. Trevor could not be any more excited about the coming football season. I think he is particularly excited to teach Bailey football terms and get her to yell "Touch Down". We will probably need to buy her some football wear in the boys section again this year.
The past few weeks have been great and included a visit from my parents where my mom and I did some Christmas shopping. You read correctly - Christmas shopping. I am going to be completely organized and ready this year. I have already purchased quite a few items for the B and have to decide what should be for her birthday and what should be for Christmas. This is going to be a fabulous holiday season - seriously Trevor, I won't spend too much. Ha!
Bailey continues to talk and talk and talk and sometimes we
can even understand her. Sometimes she will lay in her crib talking for
almost an hour before she decides to go to sleep. She still remains the
happiest and easiest child ever. I am sure we are doomed if we ever have
another one. We are so excited about our new niece Harper and I can't
wait to meet her in a couple months. Have a great last week of August
and we will catch you on the flip side. Until then -
She lined these all up on her own and then proceeded to knock them back in the tub. She thinks she is hilarious.
Aquarium Fun! |
It's the Eye of the Tiger... |
Checking out the merchandise before deciding to buy. |
Polka Dot Princess On the Move |
Multitasking Bailey - On my phone while drinking her bottle. |
Storm forced to play dress-up. (She looks thrilled - right?!) :) |