Snow White |
So many of you know how much I love Michael Jackson and Fairy Tales, and I was able to combine both with my fun hyperbaric oxygen treatments this week. It may look fun (and it is) but I am not going to lie - I am not looking forward to a possible 18 more 2+ hour long treatments. I also received a fun wound vac this week that is attached to my person all the time. So the disgusting factor continues to climb. Luckily, it is relatively small, has a black case, and can be hidden in a large purse. The worst and weirdest part of the oxygen treatments is the fact that you cannot wear any makeup or lotions or anything that is potentially flammable. So I don't look at cute as I would like, but I do want to heal so I suppose I can make the sacrifice. Hopefully between the treatments and the vac I can heal quickly or become a platinum recording artist, or have a prince find me. The best news is that Trevor no longer has to look or deal with my wound and that makes him pretty happy.
Lucky for us, my mom has come down to help take care of Bailey so that I can go to my daily treatments. Bailey gets cuter and cuter everyday and is DEFINITELY worth it!
Is she calling me a loser?!? |
What an adorable family! |
I believe Bailey is not calling you a looser, but simply making the "peace-out" symbol. Hope you are doing better soon. And you look gorgeous in that "medical contraption" if you truly indeed have no make-up...Lucky!
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ReplyDeleteTotally what an adorable family! Looking good girlfriend...good luck with your singing career, maybe you can hang out with Beyonce she just had a baby girl too! Talk soon...gives kisses to Bailey from her Auntie! I just deleted a comment and re-added this one because I can't spell today. Love ya Whit!
ReplyDeleteI can tell your sense of humor is getting you through this lame-ness. You have the best "my childbirth was worse than your childbirth" story I've heard so far, so at least there's that. (I guess I'm counting recovery as part of childbirth, but you get my point.) Glad that Sister Friendly is there to hold down the fort. And I'm sending prayers for a speedy recovery clear from South America so I'm pretty sure those count double.
ReplyDeleteI wish I looked that good without makeup on! I hope everything heals up quickly! Nothing like Mom's coming to the rescue! Bailey is so cute and I love the way that she is staring at Trevor. She knows who her Daddy is!
ReplyDeleteEven though you look fabulous as Snow White, I'm thinking more along the lines of Cinderella--so you can have a fairy godmother to bibbidy-bibbidy-boo you better! And how to you get simply amazing pictures of the Bailey girl? Love and miss you all!
ReplyDeleteThat is my favorite MJ song!
ReplyDeleteI won't lie, I am worried about you. Although Todd, who converses with Trevor daily, has assured me that you are on the upswing. I hope that is true and you are enjoying pretty, little Bailey.
Only you could make a hyperbaric chamber look so good:) Keep being fantastic
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you have such a great sense of humor about the whole thing. That is awesome! And even better to see the picture of you on facebook holding your beautiful girl.