Monday, October 13, 2014

"Who you gonna call..."


Happy October and Fall adventurers! It's that time if year where the weather start to get cooler, the leaves change and the holiday decorations come out. Some of my favorites and Bailey's as well are our two light up ghost that Bailey hugs every morning and everynight. "Goodnight mommy ghost and baby ghost... Good morning ghosties..." She is also obsessed with Halloween episodes of her favorite shows (Bubble Guppies & Dora & Curious George) and is fascinated by the decor and by idea of trick or treating. This year should be even more fun and memorable for her. 

Someone is pretending to be a ghost...

This was from my friend Tracy's birthday party - we were mourning the loss of her youth. It was hilarious and so fun. 

As always, it's been a busy month. Work and play and more work and play. Things are progressing with Trevor's job and he is excited about his future with this company. We have been trying to find things we can do with Bailey once the weather gets too cold to play outside and we have found a few fun things. 

We found this place that is indoor and has kiddie rides that are perfect for toddlers. We will definitely be going back. 
As well as a local pool super close to our house. Bring it on winter weather. We are ready - mostly. :) 

Bailey and myself also got to spend some time with her aunties, Grammy and cousins as we got together and had a baby shower for my sister McKenna. The newest Miss Magalogo will be here soon. I'm a pretty excited auntie. 

Other cuteness from the last month. Bailey met the Utes mascot Swoop and was on the news. It was for the opening of the family center in the Marriott Library - where I work. She still asks "watch Bailey on TV...". What a silly and funny girl. 

More playtime fun: 


               "I jump mommy..."

       Fun at her cousins birthday party

                   She's so fancy...

Getting all glammed wonder she keeps stealing my lipsticks. 

Have a great October and Halloween! It's going to be a thriller of a time I am sure! 


  1. Waaaaaay cute and stylish girl!!Love her!👵👵👵👵👵👵

  2. I love her hugging the ghosts, being a super star on TV, all the cute outfits and especially her pretty lipstick! Keep up the good work Bailey! Love you!

  3. My Bailey is adorable and will always be special. She lights up the world around her.
